Home > OMG/R2R Merchant/Advertiser STANDARD TERMS

OMG/R2R Merchant/Advertiser STANDARD TERMS

board of directors, (iii) or is a member of it and controls  alone, pursuant to an agreement with other members, a  majority of the voting rights in it; 


“Initial Term” a period of 12 months starting from the  Effective Date; 


“Intellectual Property Rights” means all copyright and  related rights, patents rights to inventions, utility model  trademarks, service marks, trade, business and domain  names, rights in trade dress or get-up, rights in goodwill  or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, rights  in designs, rights in computer software, database rights  (including any database rights in the Network),  topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential  information (including know-how and trade secrets)  and any other intellectual property rights, in each case  whether registered or unregistered and including all  applications for and renewals or extensions of such  rights, and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of  protection in any part of the world; 


“Interface” means the intranet and software platform  provided by the Company as part of the Services in the  Country and any functionality accessed or made  available through such platform; 


“Lead” means a sales lead of the Advertiser generated  in the Tracking Period, as reported by the Tracking Code  only; 


“Link” means a hyperlink from a Publisher Website to  an Advertiser URL;  


“Monthly Minimum Fee” means the minimum fee  payable by the Advertiser per Program per month as  specified in the Interface; 


“Network” means the marketing network of publishers  and advertisers provided by the Company or its Group  Companies to facilitate, amongst other things, affiliate  and performance marketing; 


“Network Fee" means the fee payable to the Company,  calculated as a percentage specified in the Interface of  total Commissions and Bonuses due (unless the  Interface specifies another method for calculating such  fee); 


“Participating Publisher” means any Publisher  marketing the Advertiser or any Products under this  Agreement; 


“Pre-payment Amount” means amount specified in the  Interface, to be held to the Advertiser’s account as a  deposit against future Network Fees, Commissions and  Bonuses; 


“Product” means a product, service or equivalent  offered for sale by the Advertiser on any Advertiser URL;  



“Program” means the ongoing provision of the Services  in respect of an Advertiser URL for the Term; 


“Publisher” means (i) the operator of a website,  application or service, which has joined the Network to  market advertisers or their products as an affiliate, or (ii)  a Publisher Network; 


“Publisher Network” means the operator of a marketing  network of further publishers to facilitate, amongst  other things, affiliate and performance marketing, that  has joined the Network to market advertisers or their  products as an affiliate; 


“Publisher Website" means a website, application or  service operated by a Publisher to market advertisers or  their products; 


“Reintegration” means the reintegration of the Tracking  Code into an Advertiser URL, required after the Date  Live through no fault of the Company; 


“Reintegration Fee" means $500 per Reintegration; 


“Renewal Term” a period equal to the Initial Term,  starting from the end of the Initial Term, or preceding  Renewal Term if applicable, pursuant to clause 17.1. 


“Services” means the services or assistance provided by  the Company and any Company Group Company under  this Agreement; 


“Set-Up Fee” means the fee payable by the Advertiser  per Program as specified in the Interface; 


“Sub-publisher” means the operator of a website,  application or service, which has agreed with the  Publisher Network to market advertisers or their  products; 


“Term” means the term of this Agreement from the  Effective Date until its termination or expiry in  accordance with clause 17 or 20.3; 


“Transaction” means the agreed purchase of a Product  by a Visitor in the Tracking Period, as reported by the  Tracking Code only; 


“Tracking Code” means the software code (from time  to time) provided by the Company for the recording of,  amongst other things, web traffic and Actions; 


“Tracking Policy” means the tracking policy at clause  2.7; and 


“Visitor” means any person who follows a Link.