If you choose to go to our own source (http://www.bullionvaultaffiliate.com/goldman79/en) to apply to open an individual allocated account, with our main contracted Gold Holdings Vaults, in addition to your tax-free aggregate holdings in our OMG Aggregate Corporate Account with them, then those purchased Gold Holdings will not likely be Tax-free, as it only results to be as such from Purchases Rebates, and you must consult your own tax advisers on any reporting requirements and potential taxes(including V.A.T.) due, on your directly purchased Holdings .
You will then communicate directly with them (http://www.bullionvaultaffiliate.com/goldman79/en) on that direct individual allocated account Only. And, of course, abide by their (the Vaults) own "Terms & Conditions" and guidance/rules. There are no rebates offered on direct purchases for your separate account, from these Vaults at this time,and none promised. OMG has no part in managing or monitoring or advising on, your individual direct accounts with Bullion Vault or anyone else you choose.
Yet, R2R/OMG may offer our own Proprietary Precious Metals Products, at a future date, that do have Gold-Rebates on certain types of same (i.e. Small ingots or coin units, or Bullion Jewelry), where margins and more make that possible and practical, so stay alert to those offerings. And those products, will have tax-free rebates in Gold ,on top of the Gold, or PM (Precious Metals) or Jewelry you Purchase.