As an ODMM, you will receive some exclusive added features & benefits privileges, over and above those given to other Advertisers/Merchants who came indirectly through other means, such as Affiliate Networks they joined,and then approved OMG as an Master Affiliate or Master Publisher. Besides a WAIVING of all Industry Standard multiple ancillary added fees. ODMM’s will receive some bonus special placement and promo on our website,and other future marketing venues (i.e events, Mobile App, soon coming- World’s 1st Gold-Back Rebate Credit & Debit Cards App, etc etc)and various Marketing Tech.
All came to be a part of our unique: World’s 1st & ONLY Patented Gold-Back Rebates “Secured Savings System”. Gold Rebates, are the only type of Loyalty/ Rewards (i.e. A $200 Billion Dollar Global Industry =Cash-Back,Airmiles, Points, Corporate/Brand-Bucks,Coupons,Crypto,etc) that gains value with inflation, while all other types lose it! ** See our website for all the details.
WE have our own Internal sub-affiliates, Affiliates/Members Network, who partner with us and You to invite OMG-Direct Merchant Members (ODMMs) and other Member/Affiliates & receive part of our Commission-Rebates, as Referral Rewards,
As well. Along with our own OMG-Direct advertising promotions, this drives our exposure and growth and yours.
Yet unlike most or all other Affiliate Networks, we do not charge any of the additional fees they do, as is the normal type of industry Standard “Terms & Conditions” outlined below. All of those other extra fees (I.e. Set-up fees,
Monthly fees, reconnect fees,etc etc) you will see marked in RED as WAIVED in our own STANDARD TERMS (T & C) below,for our OMG-DIRECT (Invite-Only) Merchant
Members.** ALL Fees except commissions on actual approved purchases=Waived!
All you pay with/to us is (mutually) pre-agreed Commission % 's on valid completed approved purchases (i.e. No Fraud, No Charge-Backs, No Returns) we sent you directly, or our Member-Affiliates did through us. It’s all verified & tracked ,in the tracking codes exchanged between Your site & OMG.
Note: Don’t Worry…The links you followed to get to our website and our APPLICATION and SIGNUP page here,contained your personal INVITE Imbedded
with the Referrer’s ID to track your signup completion and their future Referral Rewards, from completed and verified (valid/settled) purchases on your site. If
You’re here,you were “invited”. So,please complete the forms below & submit!