Home > How do I remove & receive cash values from, my account totals? Also, how can I take delivery/possession of my Gold ?

How do I remove & receive cash values from, my account totals? Also, how can I take delivery/possession of my Gold ?

All Values in your account must be delivered  electronically as US Dollar currencies with a minimum of $50 payout Via PayPal , or our other (coming soon) Virtual Wallet ,or Physical Debit/Credit Cards(coming soon) options we add. It would be deducted from your account totals and  we would no longer track nor account that portion cashed-out,of course. 

We do not sell Physical Gold, nor deliver funds in the form of Gold. Due to Money-Laundering laws ,and the regulations of our Broker/Dealer & Private Vault (http://www.bullionvaultaffiliate.com/goldman79/en), we pay-out your value to you when requested (over $50) electronically (see above) and you must  open an account directly with them, or another dealer/broker of your choosing, to have Gold or other Precious Metals shipped to you for electronic (digital) cash-currencies.

See their (BV's) own "terms and conditions" at the link above, or another of your choosing. Then you deal with them ONLY directly, on those purchases ,as we are out of that loop.

There are No Gold-Rebates offered on any of your outside (of OMG site) purchases,at this time. Through BV, you'll be getting the best price and features available anywhere already.

They require you to provide KYC (Know Your Customer ) documentation/identification etc to buy PM's ,By Law, as any/all other legitimate source would too.

With Rebated-Gold, derived from your purchases through our OMG Membership ( affiliated links) ,we are not required to get,nor for you to give OMG/R2R that documentation. to receive free-Gold/Tax-free held  in your Virtual Account ,within our Patented Secured Savings System Solutions.

The PayPal system, and other Virtual Wallets or Banks etc, all may require that information to get accounts with them ,and we pay out your cash currencies through them. No Checks or Money-Orders sent.

** See our OMG/R2R "Terms & Conditions" for any additional related information details.